Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Question Four

Link to question four, click on the photo 

Question Three

Samantha Coburn- Question three
While I would like to present thin in Prezi I had some technical faults in uploading and saving my finished Prezi, to fix this I saved it as a PDF file and uploaded it to SlideShare giving it the same paths I would get from Prezi however it doesn't more as smooth,

To view the question click on the photo below-

Question Two

Samantha Coburn- Question two, please click on the photo above

Question One

Samantha Breen question one- podcast, for the question click the photo

Main Project

Samantha Coburn Main Task- Two Adverts

Ancillary two

Samantha Coburn- Ancillary task two

Ancillary one

Samantha Coburn- Ancillary task one

Voice over

I had a hard time finding the right voice for my tagline, so after showing it to a small study group it came to my attention the voice of Rob Ridding a well known vocal actor he is well known because of his welsh accent, after looking into him I came across Joanna Page, she is well known because of her part in Gavin and Stacy, her accent is familiar and recognisable to a wide audience, so I then got a female to mimic the  accent and after adding it to my adverts and other products I found that it was working well with the product and had the desired effect on my target audience.

Monday, 7 May 2012

T.V Sponsorship Sequence Storyline

After toying with some of my original Ideas I came to the conclusion that I would have to write a new storyline to fit in with conventions as breaking them completely would not work for this type of advertisement. I kept Britain's got talent as I still wanted to hit that sort of target audience, however to keep within the elements of the show I have used the Jelly as a contestant that gets buzzed, this keeps a short and to the point narrative challenging the continual narrative that is most common with t.v sponsorship sequences but fits in with the length of the clip without alienating the audience ending with the product tagline to have strong synergy within all the advertisement products that I have created.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Choice in text

While working on both adverts I used a variety of different fonts. Some were to formal for the product and didn't harmonise with the advert's audience and didn't add anything to the playful style. After looking through and testing a few out I came across Corbel font, it is simple to read and lifts the advert up the font is continually used in print because it is easy to read even in a small font, I then added three different colours to bring the text to life and so that it fits in with the nature of the product.

Monday, 30 April 2012


While I wasn't working with actors I still had to follow health and safety precautions, one was to tape down all the wires making sure there was fire extinguisher incase there is a faulty wire

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

voice over

For todays lesson I will be working on the tagline voice over, trying to find the right voice to fit in with the target audience, to do this I get a variety of people to do the voice over from women to men, to children to adults trying to find the right one, I have also set up a small focus group of all ages to get the opinion of the voice over's and what works.

Monday, 23 April 2012

T.V sponsorship sequence

After working on all of my other projects it came to my attention that I had to do a lot of editing work so that it was clear exactly what it was, which is a T.V sponsorship sequence. After changing the story board and time limits it came to my attention that I couldn't keep any of my original idea, so going back to the drawing board I came to the conclusion that the filming was still usable, so working with the clips I already had I decided to use the tracking show, however the character would change to the presenter of the show, saying a few lines so that it fits in with the time setting for the sequence but also getting the point across about the product and also fitting in the synergy. So i still have work to do, as well as editing my audience feedback and four questions to get filmed before focusing on my exam practice.

Radio advert completed

After looking over my style models and using conventions that they have used I a variety of voice overs aiming for the audience that would most likely hear the advert, I used a collection of voices ranging from different genders and accents to show the wideness of my audience and not to cut any of them out I feel this effect works well and with the reception with the tagline at the end has strong synergy with all of my products so far.

War Advert completed

After looking at my audience research I added in the changes that they had suggested, one was for the voice over to be split so that it had a strong synergy  with the tagline, however after making the change I found that the audience lost the tog line making it confusing to follow the product, to fix this I added the voice over at the beginning of the advert having the tagline and the aim of the product at the forefront of the consumers mind, one thing that i need to change is the voice over it's not as strong as I would like so that is the next step for my adverts

Thursday, 19 April 2012


As the dead line for my coursework gets closed i moved back to my adverts, T.V sponsorship sequence and Radio advert.
       First I filmed my TV sponsorship sequence, getting all my props together and setting it up, changing the script to fit in with the time scale and then finding the right audio to go with it
      Next I got people in, with different voice's and accents to record my Radio advert making sure the diction was right and understandable so that it doesn't confuse the audience and that there is synergy throughout all my coursework
    Finally I turned back to my Adverts watching them and adding in the audience research before finishing the with a voice over, two things that I got back from the audience was that a voice over was needed to re enforce my tagline another was for the second advert which needed a split tagline with it starting at the opening of the advert as well as ending the advert making the product clear through the whole advert.
    After I worked all the problems out the only one that really needs more work would be the TV sponsorship sequence as I am having problems trying to fit the voice in with the right dialog so that will be something I will work on as well as setting up my Four questions.  

Monday, 16 April 2012

T.V Sponsorship sequence first edit

After setting everything up it became apparent that there where a few flaws in my idea, the first was the detail in the sequence, while it should only be ten seconds long after adding in all the short shots with the story line it was just under a minuet long, this made it to long for the conventions and while it would be challenging them it also lost the audiences attention because of the length and lack of action. After reviewing my filming I came up with an easy solution, the filming was still usable however the characteristics I couldn't use anymore one because that made it to long another was keeping up with the T.V show, so to eliminate the problems that I accounted I will use the tracking shot as the main opening shot as it pans in form a wide shot into a close up and to cut time down the first jelly will portray Simon Cowell  with a voice over ending with a shot of the shows logo, my setting works because it will reminds the audience of the stages where the show is filmed. I have done a quick mock up without any sound, while there are a few problems that need sorting out it a base for me to work of off.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

T.V sponsorship sequences mock up

I created a Imovie mock up for my sequence I have only added in the shots and will then add the script in while editing the filming

Question four

Answering question four worked with my progress as he technology that i used built up as I worked, for this question I have made a list of everything and I will present this through a podcast this way I can show all the equipment that i have used adding in a little bit of detail on each one:
How did you use media technologies in the construction, planning and evaluation stages?

  • Imovie
  • Garageband
  • HD Cameras 
  • Itunes 
  • Green screen
  • Pages
  • Safari
  • Blogspot
  • Youtube
  • Youtube Converter 
Just like the other questions there are still things to add as I'm still in the process of creating the products. 

Four Questions

I have worked on the questions editing them with the progress of my work, I will be answering them in a variety of different ways from power point to pod cast to web pages, however I will have a base script to work off, written in pages. I have answered some of the questions in full however because I still have editing to do on my main adverts as well as filming my T.V sponsorship sequence as well as my radio advert, so my answers will be changing with my progress. I am adding question one to this post, however the format I will present this in will be green screen, this allows me to add in images and give a more personal answer this is only a base for me to work from :

In which ways does your media product, use develop or challenge forms & conventions of media products ?

It was beneficial for me to develop other Media artifacts due to the product, Jelly Babies is a very well known brand that has a wide target audience, I kept the same target audience as it is open to a wider group to sell the product to as jelly babies aim from children to elderly people,'s.aspx?TabIndex=1  as well as the fact that Jelly Babies has large fan base which my product can work off of . 
I also interpreted NCC’s background into the setting for my second advert, they have their product placed in a stark white setting this helps sell the pureness of the product as that is their edge to the products that it has nothing artificial, as I have a wide target audience and relied on the movement to be comical I chose a family kitchen as the setting, placing hand painted photos and animal food bowl in the background keeping the audience broad but family orientated as it presents a typical family home and setting it will come across as natural and homely to the audiences watching it.
Next I looked at the logo that would represent my product I first looked at templates that I could use from page's, the the first logo I came up with, simple clean cream background with a recognizable  font,
However I then did some research into my style models packaging, a convention which I found was very common was the use of a representing character, Bassett's Jelly Babies has Berty Bassett as well as the well know image of the jelly Babies
The products name is in the corner as the product's cartoon characters placed in the middle of the packaging, in contrast to this is the Natural Confectionery Co, who have a very clear header for their product while they have a clear patch on the packet which the consumer can see the product through, and depending on the shape of the product that is being sold i.e Snakes there is a image of a cartoon snake wrapped around the clear section of the packet
After looking at both style models I decided that i will have a completely clear packet, to emphasize the image of natural ingredient which is similar to The natural confectionery Co as there main aim is to promote no artificial preservatives or colourings, an aim I would like to add to my product and the distribution of it. Like Bassett's I will have my product's name at the top of the packaging however i would like to make my product more personal for my target audience by having the word 'Jelly's' hand written on the top of the packaging to add an authentic feel to the product also that a lot of care has gone into the making of it.. 
However there are conventions that are particular to adverts themselves not just food adverts, there is always a product slogan for example Coca-Cola ‘The real thing’ a very recognizable tag line that is on all there adverts and on there product, I brain stormed some ideas and came up with three different ideas canceling it down the the easiest to remember and the easiest to  pick up on ‘A natural taste worth fighting for’ It is then placed at the beginning or the end of the advert which is the best place to make the most impact on the audience making the advert as rememberable as possible 

Monday, 26 March 2012

Ancillary tasks, T.V sponsorship sequence

Now that I have a strong base for my radio advert I have turned back to my T.V sponsorship sequence, as this needs more planing as I need to work around time schedules (the drama studio) as well as sorting out props, the chairs, jelly sweets and ordering out the camera as well as a tripod, due to the lack of a tracking system I will have to find a substitute for that type of shot, I am hoping to film on Wednesday next week getting everything sorted and doing a practice run with the shots as well as deciding on who should do the voice overs, however if this was a real advert with funding and the additional money I would hire people who can imitate the voices, maybe even the real people as it would  be promoting that show  

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Radio advert draft one

After sorting out a track and editing it so that it flowed I had to place it next to the voice over to see it the script was the right length, to accomplish this I had to shear the track with Itunes and open up another event on garage band one that is voice, I then imported the track, and began to record my voice to fit in with the time scale, this worked to an extent as I want to use a range of different voices to aim for my target audience and it was just mine, however it gave me a accurate time scale for my radio advert which at the moment lasts 28 seconds

Monday, 19 March 2012

Radio Advert

For todays lesson I placed my three tracks into garage band so that I would edit it to fit in with my voice over, I placed the first track in trimming it to the right size and with the right beats again I repeated this method with the other two tracks, the difference with the third track is that I had to trim it to the right length and had good synergy running through the three tracks  hitting the conventional length of traditional radio adverts after editing it all to the right length and making sure the music flows into each other I then played it doing the voice over so that I had something to work of, after this I realised that there wasn't enough dialog to fit in with the length of the advert, I went back to my original script and read over it, fitting in a extra two lines that pull everything together and also fit in the time gap in the music.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Going over previous work

After fetting up the plan for the fourth  question I decided I needed to go over my research and place it next to my product making sure that everything fits, placing the conventions next to my advert's and making sure it follows or successfully challenges the conventions, also making sure it all makes sense and that I have covered every area of research on style models ECT.

Four Question's

For todays lesson I will be working on question 4, making a list of all the equipment that I have use dover the course of the year so far, as well as things I plan to use in the future.After I have done this list I will then wright a small section on how it has helped me and what it did, I will then proceeded to  to film small section's of the text the reason I will present this question in this form it to have a clear view of what I have used and how it works for example the HD camera work I have done will be better presented if I have the technology in front of we along with firewire and similar pieces so that it is clear how I used it.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Radio advert style models

I used youtube to find radio adverts similar to my idea, I came across two that presented there product in a way which I would like to present mine, this altered my story board slightly, From the Nando's advert I will use the variety of voices, this aims at my whole audience as the variety of voice's will range from children to the elderly this method does not exclude any of my target audience.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012


After going back to my adverts I have noticed there is a fault in the steadiness of the camera to solve this problem I stabilised the clips of  both adverts, this had the desired effect that I wanted  making the adverts smoother and more clear for the audience. I am now re-watching and editing the adverts so they flow, this was a problem that I came across due to the style of filming that I chose, as with the first advert I chose not to use a Tri-pod as this gave me more flexibility with my camera angles, this had disadvantages as well, as in some parts of the adverts the camera jumps, this i noticed happened in the first two clips of my first advert to solve this problem without filming I had to take out the clips, this made the advert smoother without any jumps and turned out to be a positive change, it is these little changes that I will be working on this week, setting up some one to one focus groups so that I have a all round focus group response before working on the main changes.

Setting choice of my Adverts as well as T.V Sponsorship sequences

The setting of my first advert was to secure a solid target audience this is why I placed it in a domestic setting so that it aims at family's with young children as well as parents and grandparents.
   The setting for my second advert is a office kitchen, this is shown by the table and chairs, the table was a perfect setting as it created a blank canvas so that none of the focus was taken away from the fight, another reason that I used this setting is so that it hit another of my target audience, aiming for people who work in this kind of setting aiming at the age of 20-65 a large percentage of my target audience that might have been missed by my first advert, if I were to create more adverts for this product I would set them in similar settings for example a football field so that it aims for males as well, due to the different settings of the adverts I feel that target the main section of my target audience getting the best response for the product

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Tuesdays lesson

For todays lesson I have to upload the audience research and edit the clips, collecting in the questionnaires and adding them up, adding the to graphs and looking at the out come so that I can edit my work around it, this week I need to do some more work on my ancillary tasks as well as looking back upon my Adverts adding the changers, I also need to have a one too one focus group with a select few from the other weeks group so I can get a more in depth view from my target audience

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Ancillary tasks

After printing of my work and setting everything out ready for my focus group later today, I then turned to look at my Ancillary tasks looking over my original plans. I looked at my Radio advert, looking at my script and coming up with a few ideas, I then added it to Imovie and added text, and music and came up with a rough outline, At the moment it doesn't work very well however I haven't edited the music so that it flows, I will also be working on the dialog so that it works for the products.

Focus Group Day

For todays lesson I will be getting everything ready for later today, getting all my print outs and sorting out the technology, placing all my work into a folder ready to set up just before the group come in, I will also get my tape into the camera ready to film the group and holding back three or four people to get a more detailed response on my questions so that I can effectively continue work on my Advert's with out over criticising them.

I have added to this post a short clip with a few positive feedback that I received, I also have clips outlining the changes that need to be made, or what would make it more effective.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Audience Research

For todays lesson I will work on my questionnaires getting everything printed off ready for my focus group, which I have set up for tomorrow at 1:15pm i will have a group of around 12 to 15 which I will then interview 4 or 5 people for a more accurate answer.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Mondays lesson

After looking at a variety of different products that have similar aims to me I looked at my four questions, I made mock ups for each question, using bullet points of what I would like to get across in the questions. I then looked over all four questions, looking at the bullet points that I had added, I then added additional information to each question adding the information that I had already learnt through all of my work this year I was able to make a rough draft of question 1 and 3, I will now start working on question four looking at all the technologies I have use and how that has effected my work. While I have written my answers in the form of an assay this is just a basis for me to work of, once I have worked on all four questions hitting all the points i would like to make as well as getting all my feed back back I will the record the four questions in the form of a pod cast, this will only be for important sections that I would like to have video clips of at the side for this I will use the green screen as this is the best way to have a clip at the side of my filming, as well as the effects that Imovie provide will make the answers clear and backed up with evidence.


As I have such a wide target audience I will be doing some more research on other products that aim at a smaller  audience for example Jelly Tots that aim for a younger target audience due to there soft texture, this will help me aim for a younger audience making sure that I hit all the age groups I am selling to product to

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Focus group questions

I looked over my original questions and came to the conclusion that they didn't hit the target I was aiming for, the answers wouldn't help me make my product better for the audience so I re-wrought the questions hitting the points I would like to improve upon;

Out of the three songs played which do you think fit in with the clip you have just scene
  1. Mission Impossible 
  2. Battlefield 1942
  3. Ennio Morric- Mission 
Now could you please do the same for the second clip
Do you feel both clips  would be more effective with a voice over ?
Yes No
If yes do you think the voice overs should be presented as the Jelly?
Yes No
Do you think the pace of the Adverts adds to the comical effect 
Yes No

I will have to get in touch with my focus group who I have asked to come in and sort out all the things I would like them to see and comment on, this focus group will be a cross between answering the questionnaire as well as a more detailed response to my questions, which I will record, I will have to repeat this process to hit all of my target audience as it is widely ranged, for my first focus group I will aim for the young adult section, working around other people schedules  as well as my own has proven to be a difficult task which I will work on to make my product the best that it can be.

Focus group

Due to timing complications I couldn't set the focus up for today, I will residual a date that is suitable for the group, in the mean time I will be working on the question sheets that I will hand out to them

Monday, 30 January 2012

Todays lesson

For todays lesson I will be working on my script as well as booking out the drama studio for next week, I will also work on my four questions, as well as help out a fellow student with his planning and filming that is set for tomorrow, after I have achieved this I will set up a group around my age range to plan a focus group for wednesday so I can have a stronger target audience research.

T.V sponsorship script

After working around my target audiences as well as my product placement I wrought a storyboard as well as a script for the sponsorship sequence, with this I presented it to my class to get an overall view on my idea, with a positive response I started work on a mock up, finding the best place to film as well as props, I will need three children's toy chairs as well as a deck, along with 4 Jelly sweets as characters as well as a HD camera, tripod the best place to set this scene would be in my schools drama studio this is due to the black walls and floor and the use of a spot light will work well to present a studio feel to the sequence

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Tuesdays lesson

Today I will be looking at the four questions and working on them so that I build up my answers from the progress in my work, as well I have made the decision to leave my main adverts for the rest of the month, this is because I filmed and edited them in such a intense time period I want to come back to them with a fresh mind so that I don't over analyse  them, for the time being I will be working on my four questions as well as my ancillary tasks as I have done a rough draft for my Radio advert, however I can't seam to find any style models, I have written a story board for my TV sponsorship Sequences all I need to do now is film. However I will also be spending the majority of my time doing some audiences research this will be done with the technology available to me for example Facebook, Youtube as well as setting up focus groups from young children to Adults hitting the main section of my audiences so I can work of there responses and add them to my Adverts and Ancillary tasks so that my product becomes tailored around my audience.

Monday, 16 January 2012

T.V Sponsorship conventions

I have done some research into the conventions of T.V sponsorship sequences, my best resources were Youtube to look at a variety of different adverts, the one that I found most useful for me was the Talk Talk advert sponsoring the X factor, this is because I have written a draft of my story board for the T.V show 'Britain's got talent' keeping to my comical genre for the product. Before i could finalise my decision I had to find the conventions, and how practical my advert would be for the show it is promoting as well as the product itself. Some of the conventions that are relevant for my T.V sponsorship sequences are-
* 10 to 15 seconds long as they represent the on coming show or adverts during the break, there are even break bumpers that are shorter
* The sometimes mirror the show they are promoting
* they will follow a narrative which is created by a number of different sequences shown at the start, the breaks and the end this narrative will be understandable to the audiences if they have followed the entire show.
* The feature your product
* Because of the length of each sequence symbolism is used to get the point across

After looking at the conventions I came up with a more solid draft, however I then realised a main flaw in my Idea, My product not only had to mirror that of the T.V show it also has to appeal to my target audience (All ages, mainly families). 'Britain's got talent' Is a family show and hits most of my target audiences, after looking a little deeper into the show I found out that the last season got 11 million views which is a massive increase from the season before as that only received 3.8 million on its peak times(19:00- 22:30) giving this show 47% of the audiences at its peak time of 11.3 million viewers.

I will now mock up my setting and props to film my T.V sequences as the statistics work with my product as well as my target audiences, I will use all of the conventions from above however I shall challenge some of them such as, the narrative will follow in just the one advert so instead of appealing to the audiences subconscious like most Sequences I will aim for humour that links in with the show leaving a lasting memory with my product.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Today I have created a page on Facebook for my Product, however as I added the video to the page it was deleted to copyright  infringement  I have emailed the site explaining the situation however I haven't had a reply yet, instead of being stalled by this I have opened up a Youtube account and will upload the video on there, to get it noticed I will the add the lick to my Facebook  page to hit a wider target audience.