Wednesday, 29 February 2012


After going back to my adverts I have noticed there is a fault in the steadiness of the camera to solve this problem I stabilised the clips of  both adverts, this had the desired effect that I wanted  making the adverts smoother and more clear for the audience. I am now re-watching and editing the adverts so they flow, this was a problem that I came across due to the style of filming that I chose, as with the first advert I chose not to use a Tri-pod as this gave me more flexibility with my camera angles, this had disadvantages as well, as in some parts of the adverts the camera jumps, this i noticed happened in the first two clips of my first advert to solve this problem without filming I had to take out the clips, this made the advert smoother without any jumps and turned out to be a positive change, it is these little changes that I will be working on this week, setting up some one to one focus groups so that I have a all round focus group response before working on the main changes.

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