Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Radio Advert Backing Track

After coming up with a script I then looked at the backing track and tried to tie it in with the adverts, I have used both backing tracks from the Adverts in the two opening sections of the Radio advert, After looking over it on I movie it became apparent I would have to adjust the backing music as they both have running up silences which takes to long and the effect that I want to achieve has not been achieved, so to fix this I will place both tracks into garage band, editing the beginnings of the songs so that they fit in with the radio advert and the text (Which will be a voice over when recorded). The voice over will be a male voice deep in down and pitch with good diction so that it is easily understood and doesn't  section of any of my audience.

Radio Advert mock up

For todays lesson I will continue to work on my radio advert, creating a script and placing it into I movie adding in the words and seeing how long it will be, From this script it will last around 20 seconds a little short for a radio advert, it will also contain the company slogan at the end of the advert as well as attracting the audiences attention through the backing track as well as the voice over, sticking mainly to the conventions of a Radio advert.  I am aiming for a active listener as I have a wide target audience I will have to advertise my advert on different radio channels so that I hit the main target of my audience however due to costs it would be smarter to aim for a radio that targets people between the age 25-35 as this is the age group that would have children from age 0-18 hitting my younger audience if listened to in the car.  

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Ancillary Tasks

Now that I have a base for my Adverts to grow from I am now working on a script for my radio advert looking at style models however there are no adverts fitting in with my product type, one that I came across was the M&S advert, distinctly known for the backing the music fitting in with the seductive voice. I have aimed for a more comical advert so it only seems right to have a comical advert, I have started a script fitting in with one of the adverts. I have also been doing research into the TV sponsor ship sequence and finding style models and past work done by students but my main focus at the minuet is the Radio Advert.

Monday, 21 November 2011

TagLine Ideas are what you eat, so eat the best! Eat Jelly's
2.A natural taste worth fighting for

I came up with a variety of different tag lines and narrowed it down to the two above, after looking over both adverts and incorporating the two slogans and decide to use option two as it fits best in with both of the adverts. Its not only the that it fits in with the adverts it's also selling a main point of the product, for example the coca-cola tag line 'It's the real thing' shows the product is real, and the only one of its kind, Going for the Natural taste will appeal to a wide target audiences as well as small children it also has a healthy factor.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Conventions of Adverts (The ones I have used for mine)

Both my Adverts follow the conventions of a Mini-Drama as they last between 30seconds to a minuet following a story with a beginning middle and an end, for example in the escape advert it starts of with a break out and then the middle is getting to the door while at the end he fails and is squished. Another convention  is a tag line for the product, such as coca-cola have "Open Happiness" very distinctive for the product, this is something I have to come up with as a convention that both my adverts will contain it will be placed at the beginning or the end of the adverts again a convention that I will follow. There are a variety of shots in the escape adverts ranging from extreme close up to mid shots while in the War advert there is one constant long shot. I have also incorporated intertexuality through the music as in the escape advert mission impossible comes straight to mind as sets the theme of an escape while in the War advert I used the music from a game called Battlefield however instead of this limiting my audience to those who have played the game it has conventions of battle music but also reminded some of my target audience of  the theme music of 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. After I have finished adding all the music, tag lines ECT I will then think about wether or not a voice over will help create the effect I am looking for.

The past two weeks

For the past two weeks I have been working on my two adverts getting all my filming done so that I can concentrate on getting the editing and music sorted and finishing my first draft of both adverts, however I need to do some more research this time into adverts in general looking at intertexuality as well as conventions that nearly all adverts have such as brand tag lines/ slogans.  Attached are the final second and first drafts of my adverts.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Copyright Issues number two

I got a reply right away from the company, telling that they didn't have the rights  however they did give me the company who does have the rights email address as well as a address, I sent an email back thanking them for there help and the re sent the email to the correct company asking for permission.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Copyright Issues

I have been working of my filming and time management, while during lesson's I have been looking for music for my second Advert, i chose Mission Impossible Theme written by Lalo schifrin, as the song is copyrighted I had to contact him asking for permission to use the music, traditionally this is done by a letter however i couldn't find a address on his site however I did find a email address set up for just copyright music I then wrought a email addressing copyrighter in this email I wrought- 
Re:     The Oldershaw Academy 

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am putting together a Advert for my A2 media coursework 

We understand that you are the owner of the copyright in the musical composition “Mission Impossible Theme” and want to include the song in the advert.  

Since we are on a limited budget and distribution of the Advert is very low budget, we are hoping that you will allow us this use without any charge.  If this is not possible, please let us know what fee would be required for this use. 

Your signature below, under “confirmed by,” will indicate that you will agree to permit this use without payment of a fee.  Please let us know if you have any questions concerning this license.  Also would you please let us know as soon as possible if this song cannot be licensed so that artistic changes may be made in the songs to be included in the production.  You can reach us in care of Mike LiddleThe Oldershaw Academy a Busness & Enterprise College Valkyrie Road, Wallasey, Wirral CH45 4RJ,0151 638 2800, 

Thank you for your help with this matter and we look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

Samantha Breen

Mike Liddle 

I used my own email address so that I would receive his email back and work with his reply. 

Monday, 31 October 2011

Advert Filming Draft 1


I booked out the camera as well a tripod and got filming done for my Second advert, I then uploaded all my filming onto Imovie and started to edit, cutting the clips down to the size which I felt would work, i then organised each clip so that the story flowed after I had everything in order I realised that the advert was to long, to fix this I speed up all the clips making the clip shorter as well as the Advert, I then had to mute all the clips, as this is a draft I now have to find music to go along with the Advert, this is one of the next steps I need to take, whether or not I should use copy write music or not so I am now looking at the type off music that will fit with the advert. There are a few filming problems that I found however a little re filming and a small change in my story line and I will be ready to edit my final Advert. Tomorrow i will sit down with my Media class and show them my Advert as it is now and get there feed back on what they think was good and bad, this will help me see what problems I have with the Advert so far and what to change

Monday, 17 October 2011

Monday, Props

Today I will buy all my products, getting everything ready to start filming tonight, getting my packaging ready for my products as well as getting the product ready. Tonight I will start filming my second idea as my main aim while having my first idea as a back up and to have a mock up first film. For my filming I need to book out a camera as well as a Tripod for the night.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Photo permissions

In the school everybody signs a permissions slip so that they can be filmed, this comes in handy with our media filming, however this doesn't effect my work as I am focusing on a brief and storyboard that doesn't involve an actors but it useful in my audience research as I hope to film some of the responses. Here is a copy of the sheet:

Wednesday, Audience research

For todays audience research I asked twenty young adults from the age 13-18 three question's on Jelly's sweets my over all result were
What is your favorite flavour of Jelly's Sweets?
Strawberry- 5
Apple- 6
Orange- 5
Lemon- 4
Making the overall favorite for that age group Apple

What flavour would you like to see in Jelly's sweet?
Grape- 11
Melon- 4
Kiwi- 4

Out of the sketches I just showed you what did you find funny?

This question was open to the audiences opinions, I filmed the question's and the video which I have added is of 17 year old Rebecca who chose to talk about the 'Bang' sketch -

From these responses I will keep the new flavour the same, depending on my other audience research as I am also aiming at Adults as well as younger children, this is a small part of my over all research that I need to do.

Audience Research

In todays lesson I will set up a camera and ask my target audience my set question
- What is your favourite flavour of Jelly's ?
    - Strawberry
    - Apple
    - Orange
    - Lemon
- What flavour would you like to see?
    - Grape
    - Melon
    - Kiwi
- Out of the two sketches I just showed you what did u find funny?
I made a tally of all the answers which I received

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


In todays lesson I will be planning questions to ask my target audience (all ages) about flavours, shape, and there opinion on my first sketches, based upon there responses I will either keep my story boards the same or change them to fit in with my audience research, to get the best response I will record my questions so not to miss anything that my audience has to say. I will also book out one of the camera's for lesson 3, as well as a microphone, for wednesday I will ask other student's there opinion as well as some adults hit some of my audience however I will not get the opportunity to ask and young children from the age of 10 and below till a later date which I will schedule in at some time next week.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Monday, Methods

   Looking at my Story boards I started to build my sets and getting my props ready however I forgot to do one main things, chose how I would film the adverts, as it is a project unlike I have done before and has new challenges for me to over come, one of which is how I would film the advert

    I came up with two different ways of doing this. The first was to have the camera on a tripod and move the Jelly's by taking a picture before moving it to the next picture and get a flip book effects, the second was to have a camera and again to take pictures but this time to move the camera instead of the jelly's as I haven't got all my products I couldn't have the setting which I will have for the real filming so I kept the setting simple placing the Jelly's on plain white paper 
    Instead of using my story board I made up little sketches to start of with so that I wouldn't have the complications that would happen with the real advert as i was only aiming to chose what method of filming to use I will show you the effect that I achieved through my first chose of filming- 

There are around 40 photo's for this shot, showing the Jelly's asleep and then getting attached and squeezed to death by a giant green Snake, I then added the photos to Imovie and edited them so that they flowed as if in a real advert, however It isn't as clear as I hope my finally project will be-

The second way of filming I changed the setting as i realised that i was impossible to keep the same sketch as the one with the snake, so instead i had one Jelly shoot another while using the method of tracking the camera and keeping the jelly's still the effect which was achieved worked the same as with the green snake -  

After looking over both finished Sketches I came to the conclusion that I should use a mixture of both methods to get the best possible out come that I could 

Friday, 7 October 2011


After looking over my storyboards I am almost ready to start filming I just have to place my storyboards next to my audience research as well as buying supplies to create my product and it's packaging. So for todays lesson I'll be experimenting with different logo Idea's.
I first looked at templates that I could use of page's, this is the first logo I came up with, simple clean cream background with a recognisable  font,

However I then did some research into my style models packaging, a convention which I found was very common was the use of a representing figure, Bassett's Jelly Babies has Berty Bassett as well as the well know image of the jelly Babies
As you can see the product name is in the corner as the product's cartoon characters placed in the middle of the product, in contrast to this is the Natural Confectionery Co, who have a very clear header for there product while they have a clear patch on the packet which the consumer can see the product through, and depending on the shape of the product that is being sold i.e Snakes there is a image of a cartoon snake wrapped around the clear section of the packet

After looking at both style models I have decided that i will have a completely clear packet, to emphasise the image of natural ingredient which is similar to The natural confectionery Co as there main aim is to promote no artificial products, an aim I would like to add to my product and the distribution of it. Like Bassett's I will have my product's name at the top of the packaging however i would like to make my product more personal for my target audience by having the word 'Jelly's' hand written on the top of the packaging to add an authentic feel to the product also that a lot of care has gone into the making of it. There will also be a little stamp of cherry blossom under the letter S a very natural and beautiful flower adding to the natural feel of the product

By the end of todays lesson I have created a logo that fits in with the feel of my product as well as having conventions of my style models as well as challenging the traditional values shown through other products

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Story Board 2

After looking over my Idea's I reilized that my second Idea was unachivable so I looked over my product research and my target audiences and came up with a new story board

Idea 2
Shot 1
Tracking shot into a kith turning into a close o of my product's packets on the counter
4 second tracking shot
2 second to a close up

Shot 2
Close up on the packet, little toy saw cutting the corner of the packet off and a green Jelly slowly climbing out of the macket and standing up on the counter
3 seconds

Shot 3
Mid shot of the counter following the green Jelly's progress across the counter, and climbing onto ta bread bin and onto the window
4 seconds across the counter
4 seconds across and up the bread bin
2 seconds jumping to the window

Shot 4
Long shot of Jelly as i jumps onto the a key holder which then rocks back and forth three times before falling to the floor
2 seconds to jump
5 seconds for the swinging
2 for the fall

Shot 5
Extreme close up of the Jelly's Packet as there will be a voice over of them screaming as he falls
1 second

Shot 6
Mid shot as the green jelly stands up turning into an extreme close u of his eyes followed by a tracking shot around the jelly and focusing on and over the shoulder shot looking at a remote control car
1 second to stand up
2 seconds tracking shot
half a second of looking at the car

Shot 7
Log shot of Jelly driving the car towards an open back door and to his 'freedom'
2 seconds

Shot 8
Jelly climbing out of the car and onto the ledge and towards the open door, only to be stopped by a cat squishing him.
2 seconds to climb onto the ledge
3 seconds with the cat

The advert will be around 40 seconds long depending on what the time will amount to when edited.


After looking over all my advanced media work I have decided to make a few changes due to the complexity of the project. For example my second story board's setting was to complex to work with so I changed the setting and story board slightly to an achievable goal. Along with my first change I made a mock up timeline for what I would like to accomplish before the Christmas holidays:
 *Creating my sets
 *Creating the product
 *Going over my story boards
 *Start filming my both advert and editing.
 After that I have a outline of what I have to do before the work is almost complete:
 *Radio Advert research
*Garage Band tutorials
*Recording and editing radio advert
*Reasearching TV sponosrship sequences
*Filming and Editing

These are the main pratical things which I have to complete I have also started my audience research.


Yesterday i started to do a mock up of how the advert would start, I found it more difficult than planned as the product wouldn't stand on there own from this i changed my view on how I would achieve the effect that I wanted, Instead of using white take to make them stick one because it wasn't every successful but also because it became increasingly hard to make the Jelly's move without making the filming look jumpy. To fix the problem I will instead of using white take use a sheet of polystyrene and tooth picks sticking the Jelly's onto a tooth pick and placing into the polystyrene making them easier to move and having a straighter figure
Today I plan to have an overview of all my work, picking up on the thing's that need work and make a step by step plan of what I am going to do to get my advert finished while collecting props to make my setting as well as the product packet.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Story Board Idea 1

Story Board 1
  • Shot 1, a panning shot downwards across the white background landing on the two Jelly’s as text comes across the top of the screen saying “Blue vs Red”
  • 2 Shot, tracking shot to the left going across all the Red Jelly’s
  • 3  Shot, tracking shot to the right going across all the Blue Jelly’s
  • 4 shot long shot of the Blue Jelly, Mid shot of the Red Jelly, close up of Blue Jelly and the extreme close up of Red Jelly 
  • 5 shot, long shot of Red Jelly’s moving closer towards the Blue
  • 6 shot close up of Red Jelly as she stabs the Blue Jelly and a tracking shot as the both fall down Red Jelly impaling its self.
  • shot 7, a variety of shots backing away to a long shot of all the Jelly’s Fighting 
  • shot 8, a birds eye shot of all the fallen Jelly’s and the floor caving in.
  • shot 9, Purple Jelly Raising out of the floor  tag line and internet link at the bottom
  • Shot 10, Panning shot upwards on to the white back ground
After looking at my style models I decided to have a comical edge, keeping in theme with NCC I have not only the background but using natural flavours shown through the raise of the grape flavour 

The Next Step

After choosing my brief I had to do a series  of things before even looking at a story board I watched previous A2 work, I then went away and looked at style models and decided to do an Advert on Baby shaped Jelly sweets, for this I watched adverts on youtube and started to plan my story board, however before this I did some product research on my style models 
* Bassetts Jelly Babies 
*Natural confectioner company 
From the Natural Confectioner Company I used the convention of a white background as it brings out the natural colours in the Jelly's. 
However my main style model is Bassetts Jelly Babies, because Jelly Babies are a house hold name it has a very large target audience as the history of the product The birth of Jelly Babies can be traced back to an Austrian pastille and jelly craftsman who worked for Bassett’s during the late 19th century.  It is suggested that the craftsman created the jelly in such a shape due to the popular Gingerbread Man style which was prevalent in his country.
The first Jelly Babies were launched in 1918 to celebrate the end of World War I.  Commemorating the end of the conflict, Bassett’s named the jellies as ‘Peace Babies’.  Unfortunately, a shortage of raw materials stopped production during World War II, but it was resumed in 1953 when the sweets became known as Jelly Babies. 
Jelly Babies have a very large target audience as it aims from children to adults, they achieve this because of the duration of the product as well as the signature shape and simple advertisement 
From this I then went back to my style model adverts and looked for things that they had accomplished and points that they were missing 
Natural Confectioner Company :

From the adverts above i noticed that NCC (Natural Confectioner Company) tend to lean towards the more comical side while Bassetts hardly had any Adverts also they had no edge to the adverts, so from this I chose to have a comical edge to my Adverts 

Starting A2 media

For the first week of my media course I looked over the ten briefs in detail, looking at style models for each and finally decided to do brief three, An advertising package for a new product or service, including a Radio advertisement ad well as a TV programme sponsorship sequence.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Safety awareness

One of the most important things about filming is that the actors and film crew are safe, so to achieve this I looked at the site htttp:// so that I was aware of the guide and procedure that is meant to be followed