Wednesday, 29 February 2012


After going back to my adverts I have noticed there is a fault in the steadiness of the camera to solve this problem I stabilised the clips of  both adverts, this had the desired effect that I wanted  making the adverts smoother and more clear for the audience. I am now re-watching and editing the adverts so they flow, this was a problem that I came across due to the style of filming that I chose, as with the first advert I chose not to use a Tri-pod as this gave me more flexibility with my camera angles, this had disadvantages as well, as in some parts of the adverts the camera jumps, this i noticed happened in the first two clips of my first advert to solve this problem without filming I had to take out the clips, this made the advert smoother without any jumps and turned out to be a positive change, it is these little changes that I will be working on this week, setting up some one to one focus groups so that I have a all round focus group response before working on the main changes.

Setting choice of my Adverts as well as T.V Sponsorship sequences

The setting of my first advert was to secure a solid target audience this is why I placed it in a domestic setting so that it aims at family's with young children as well as parents and grandparents.
   The setting for my second advert is a office kitchen, this is shown by the table and chairs, the table was a perfect setting as it created a blank canvas so that none of the focus was taken away from the fight, another reason that I used this setting is so that it hit another of my target audience, aiming for people who work in this kind of setting aiming at the age of 20-65 a large percentage of my target audience that might have been missed by my first advert, if I were to create more adverts for this product I would set them in similar settings for example a football field so that it aims for males as well, due to the different settings of the adverts I feel that target the main section of my target audience getting the best response for the product

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Tuesdays lesson

For todays lesson I have to upload the audience research and edit the clips, collecting in the questionnaires and adding them up, adding the to graphs and looking at the out come so that I can edit my work around it, this week I need to do some more work on my ancillary tasks as well as looking back upon my Adverts adding the changers, I also need to have a one too one focus group with a select few from the other weeks group so I can get a more in depth view from my target audience

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Ancillary tasks

After printing of my work and setting everything out ready for my focus group later today, I then turned to look at my Ancillary tasks looking over my original plans. I looked at my Radio advert, looking at my script and coming up with a few ideas, I then added it to Imovie and added text, and music and came up with a rough outline, At the moment it doesn't work very well however I haven't edited the music so that it flows, I will also be working on the dialog so that it works for the products.

Focus Group Day

For todays lesson I will be getting everything ready for later today, getting all my print outs and sorting out the technology, placing all my work into a folder ready to set up just before the group come in, I will also get my tape into the camera ready to film the group and holding back three or four people to get a more detailed response on my questions so that I can effectively continue work on my Advert's with out over criticising them.

I have added to this post a short clip with a few positive feedback that I received, I also have clips outlining the changes that need to be made, or what would make it more effective.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Audience Research

For todays lesson I will work on my questionnaires getting everything printed off ready for my focus group, which I have set up for tomorrow at 1:15pm i will have a group of around 12 to 15 which I will then interview 4 or 5 people for a more accurate answer.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Mondays lesson

After looking at a variety of different products that have similar aims to me I looked at my four questions, I made mock ups for each question, using bullet points of what I would like to get across in the questions. I then looked over all four questions, looking at the bullet points that I had added, I then added additional information to each question adding the information that I had already learnt through all of my work this year I was able to make a rough draft of question 1 and 3, I will now start working on question four looking at all the technologies I have use and how that has effected my work. While I have written my answers in the form of an assay this is just a basis for me to work of, once I have worked on all four questions hitting all the points i would like to make as well as getting all my feed back back I will the record the four questions in the form of a pod cast, this will only be for important sections that I would like to have video clips of at the side for this I will use the green screen as this is the best way to have a clip at the side of my filming, as well as the effects that Imovie provide will make the answers clear and backed up with evidence.


As I have such a wide target audience I will be doing some more research on other products that aim at a smaller  audience for example Jelly Tots that aim for a younger target audience due to there soft texture, this will help me aim for a younger audience making sure that I hit all the age groups I am selling to product to

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Focus group questions

I looked over my original questions and came to the conclusion that they didn't hit the target I was aiming for, the answers wouldn't help me make my product better for the audience so I re-wrought the questions hitting the points I would like to improve upon;

Out of the three songs played which do you think fit in with the clip you have just scene
  1. Mission Impossible 
  2. Battlefield 1942
  3. Ennio Morric- Mission 
Now could you please do the same for the second clip
Do you feel both clips  would be more effective with a voice over ?
Yes No
If yes do you think the voice overs should be presented as the Jelly?
Yes No
Do you think the pace of the Adverts adds to the comical effect 
Yes No

I will have to get in touch with my focus group who I have asked to come in and sort out all the things I would like them to see and comment on, this focus group will be a cross between answering the questionnaire as well as a more detailed response to my questions, which I will record, I will have to repeat this process to hit all of my target audience as it is widely ranged, for my first focus group I will aim for the young adult section, working around other people schedules  as well as my own has proven to be a difficult task which I will work on to make my product the best that it can be.

Focus group

Due to timing complications I couldn't set the focus up for today, I will residual a date that is suitable for the group, in the mean time I will be working on the question sheets that I will hand out to them